Sunday, February 06, 2011

The finer things in life

A presumptuous and Americocentric quiz on Facebook decided that the USA was my natural country, that I liked fast food and was not interested in the finer things in life. I reject it thus:

I like fast food and the finer things in life - Laphroaig, Runrig, Rumpole, Wodehouse, Paltrow, Agutter, Patrick O'Brian, Anthony Powell, the Cuillins, Venice (going there next week), Harvey's Bitter, cats, some dogs,Ham Hill, symbolic logic, artificial intelligence, bacon, Bacon ("Writing maketh an exact man, reading a full man and conference a ready man"), Shakespeare, Rattigan, Wilde, zabaglione, John Stuart Mill, Altiero Spinelli, Aldous Huxley, more bacon, Cambridge, Cambridge Massachusetts, Lord Bonkers, stilton, brie, camembert, Glastonbury, Tom Lehrer, the Leningrad Cowboys, ginger wine, killer sudoku - to name but a few. Oh yes, Denmark and Italy...and crumpets.

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