Fascinating debate tonight in Cambridge on whether the preamble to the constitution of the Liberal Democrats should be amended. We decided not to, not only because Cllr Colin Rosenstiel has amended it enough already, but because it embodies in reasonable prose values which have stood the test of time. There are indeed one or two minor infelicities of expression and a bit of repetition but nothing any of us would actually want to oppose.
Julian Huppert compared our golden opening words with the other main parties.
The Liberal Democrats (constitution here)The Liberal Democrats exist to build and safeguard a fair, free and open society, in which we seek to balance the fundamental values of liberty, equality and community, and in which no one shall be enslaved by poverty, ignorance or conformity. We champion the freedom, dignity and well-being of individuals, we acknowledge and respect their right to freedom of conscience and their right to develop their talents to the full. We aim to disperse power, to foster diversity and to nurture creativity. We believe that the role of the state is to enable all citizens to attain these ideals, to contribute fully to their communities and to take part in the decisions which affect their lives.
The Labour Party (constitution here)
Clause 1 - Name and Objects
1 This organisation shall be
known as ‘The Labour Party’ (hereinafter referred to as ‘the party’). Its
purpose is to organise and maintain in Parliament and in the country a
political Labour Party.
The Conservative Party (constitution here)
1 This is the Constitution of a political party which shall
be known as “The Conservative and
Unionist Party” (referred to in this Constitution as “the
2 Its purpose is to sustain and promote within the Nation the objects and values of the
Conservative Party.
So the Labour Party and the Conservative Party exist to maintain and promote themselves. I always thought so. (Actually the Labour Party says a little more in Clause 4 - no, not that clause 4)
Looking a little deeper, I wondered about how each party makes policy.
The Liberal Democrats (constitution here)
Subject to the foregoing procedure, all Federal policy papers and motions
approved by
the Federal
Conference shall thereby become the policy of the Federal Party.
Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, the Conference shall be the
body of the Party, and shall have power to determine the policy of the
Party in
accordance with and subject to the provisions of Article 5.
The Labour Party (constitution here)
Clause 5 - Party Programme
1 Party conference shall
decide from time to time what specific proposals of legislative, financial or
administrative reform shall be included in the party programme. This shall be
based on the rolling programme presented to conference by the National Policy
Forum as approved by conference. No proposal shall be included in the party
programme unless it has been adopted by conference by a majority of not less
than two-thirds of the votes recorded on a card vote.The Conservative Party (constitution here)
64 There shall be established and maintained a national policy development forum to be known as
the Conservative Policy Forum, the principal functions of which shall be:
64.1 to encourage and co-ordinate the formulation and development of policy ideas
BUT nowhere in the Tory Constitution can I find who actually decides on policy. It's a mystery.