Thursday, September 20, 2012


Our damned media have been predictably ungracious in their response to Nick Clegg's apology over tuition fees.   The despicable, opportunistic and hypocritical Labour Party has been predictably worse.   When will we hear the Daily Mail apologise for years of lying ?   When will we hear the Labour Party apologise for starting an illegal war and for leaving the country's finances in such a dreadful state ?   When will they apologise for wrecking reform of the House of Lords, something they promised in THEIR manifesto ?   When will they apologise for introducing tuition fees, promising not to put them up, putting them up and then appointing a businessman to review them, who recommended putting them up without limit ?

I was bitterly disappointed by the desperately bad political management of the tuition fees issue by Liberal Democrat leaders, above all Vince, but I honour Nick Clegg for his apology.   Sir Humphrey might have called it brave and so do I.   Our society will not be mature until politicians, businessmen and all in authority over us can admit their mistakes and their apologies be accepted instead of being exploited by the Tory press and the Labour scum  (Yes, Harriet Harman, I mean you !)

1 comment:

Tommy Herbert said...

Harman's response was ham-fisted. She said he'd brushed his mistake under the carpet, and that if he was sincere, he'd vote with Labour to lower fees. He was hardly brushing it under the carpet - this big announcement was the first my friend Rosie had heard about the scandal. And he made it clear that his apology was not for raising fees but for making and breaking a pledge.

Things she could have said:

1. (With someone on Twitter whose handle I don't have) 'It's like cheating on your wife and then apologising for marrying her.'

(2). 'If he meant it, he'd resign.'

Anyway. I agree that it's a brave move, and I think overall he's benefited. No need to worry so much about media spin: it's the apology itself that people are discussing in pubs.