We live in an age of bread and circuses, as did Juvenal. Actually I have no objection to "circuses" including royal ones. We all need cheering up. What I object to is the coming rationing of "bread". Despite all the noise about the government's deficit, Britain remains a wealthy country, but the wealth is concentrated. At a recent local discussion a nice comfortably-off lady (Somerset has more than its share) commented on benefit cuts, "Anyone can manage on £10 a week less". She's right of course - about people like herself. Conclusion - cut less, tax more. If you still think drastic cuts are the solution, read Skidelsky and somebody lend George Osborne an economics A-level textbook as Keynes' own writings may be a bit technical for him.
Quite. I’m reminded of the time a few years ago when my wife was working as a secretary for a firm of solicitors. One of the partners was genuinely shocked when she pointed out that the amount of money he was taking out of petty cash to buy drinks for a client at a social event was more than the office junior was paid per week.
Let Them Eat Cake.......
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